Leading Practice Guidelines

Freedom from mistreatment, abuse, neglect, & exploitation

Type: Wellbeing

Guideline: The organization has robust policies, procedures and practices that defines, prohibits and prevents mistreatment, abuse, neglect, and exploitation including the requirement and process to report any concerns as defined within Manitoba law.

What does this look like?

  • The organization has a policy and procedure that:
    • Defines & explicitly prohibits mistreatment, abuse, neglect and exploitation
    • Details the mandatory reporting process and the duty to report for all staff and volunteers
    • Outlines the relevant legislation and regulations that apply to the duty to report
    • Details how investigations will occur, who is responsible, and identifies standards for timely resolution
    • Outlines procedures to maintain safety and prevent further incidents from occurring while investigations are ongoing
    • Outlines preventative measures the organization takes to reduce situations of abuse.
    • Outlines required communication & follow up with the person receiving services and their substitute decision makers (if applicable) throughout the process (if possible) and upon resolution of the investigation. Follow up should acknowledge the harm done, the impact on the person and provide support (both informal and professional, if needed) to recover from the events.
  • Staff receive information and training so that they are able to recognize mistreatment, abuse, neglect or exploitation, understand the requirement to report, how to do so and how to maintain safety for those involved. If responsible for conducting any level of investigation, staff should receive guidance and training on how to conduct effective, objective investigations.
  • People receiving services and their family/support network, receive information about how to prevent and recognize mistreatment, abuse, neglect and exploitation and what to do when they experience or see something. They receive information on what to expect before, during and after an investigation including what communication or information they can (or cannot) expect to receive throughout the process. Ideally, this information is shared at the beginning of services being provided and regularly throughout that relationship.
  • The organization regularly reviews and learns from incidents of suspected/confirmed mistreatment, abuse, neglect or exploitation. Strategies to prevent further incidents are implemented as a result of this review.

How would you know this is happening? (Evidence)

What you see in systems:

  • Thorough, written policy and procedure on mistreatment, abuse, neglect and exploitation.
  • Orientation and training being delivered to staff/care providers recognizing and reporting suspected mistreatment, abuse, neglect or exploitation.
  • Training and information being provided to people served and their support networks on being safe and what to do when you aren’t.
  • Data related to incidents of suspected/confirmed mistreatment, abuse, neglect or exploitation is maintained, analyzed with follow up articulated.

What you see in actions:

  • Staff/care providers can clearly articulate what to do if they see something that concerns them.
  • People who receive services feel safe and are confident about what they would do if they did not. People are safe from abuse, neglect, violence and preventable injury.
  • Families understand the reporting process and what information they would receive (or not receive) during and following an investigation.
  • People who receive services report that they received support and counselling (if they wanted it) following an occurrence of abuse, neglect or exploitation.

Resources to support achieving guideline:

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